This article covers a collection of techniques that allow me to build HTML5 applications with native capabilities, and iterate on my code using the edit-save-refresh cycle that is characteristic of Web development.


I love building Web applications, and I'm addicted to the edit-save-refresh cycle.

At the same time, I miss many features that mobile app developers take for granted, but will take years to get through the Web standards gauntlet, such as WakeLock and Push notifications. Security decisions that make perfect sense in the context of Web pages become really limiting for applications. For example, it is impossible to build an alarm clock, because the play() method on HTML5 media elements (<audio> and <video>) requires user interaction, at least on Android and iOS

HTML5 application wrappers rose to respond to this challenge. A wrapper essentially bundles a browser component (usually known as a WebView), glue code that exposes native capabilities to the JavaScript inside the WebView, and the HTML, CSS and JS code that you supply. The first wrapper that I am aware of is Titanium.

Today's favorite wrapper, Apache Cordova, has made a lot of progress on the tooling front, but still uses the same bundling technique, which means that I have to build a native application, deploy it on my mobile device, and restart, whenever I want to make a change.

Outline and Code

The following sections will describe the tricks I used to restore the edit-save-refresh cycle inside a Cordova application container.

Some tricks in this article can be repurposed for other wrappers easily, while some tricks are specific to Cordova's implementation. The latter may still suggest approaches to solving similar problems in different wrappers.

I used the methods described here in the html5-app-container project, which is open-sourced on GitHub. The code samples in this article lack some of the details in the GitHub project, in the interest of brevity and readability. I consider the GitHub project code to be the production-quality version that you should use for your applications.

Chapter 1: The Naive Solution

In order to be able to use edit-save-refresh, I have to get the Cordova container to load my application code from a server. The naive solution would be to simply navigate to the server's URL from the application's main page.

window.location = '';

This is essentially the application code shipped with the initial html5-app-container version. The key files are app/index.html and app/js/index.js.

While the application gets the edit-save-refresh cycle, it loses all the native Cordova functionality. This is because the native functionality uses the Cordova bridge, which is a fancy name for platform-specific hacks that let JavaScript code communicate with the native Cordova code. The Cordova bridge is initialized by loading a platform-specific cordova.js file that is placed along the HTML5 application's files by the Cordova build chain.

At this stage, it is tempting to attempt to load cordova.js from the Web site. This could work on Android, where the HTML5 application is accessible from file:///android_asset/www/index.html, but is doomed to fail on iOS, because the application path has a GUID in it, e.g. file:///Users/pwnall/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CF0D2CC2-3E1B-49FB-BC59-AFE4FD4C65FD/data/Applications/75A1BEC5-6FBF-4E90-90B8-F4B8B22EF5B0/

Even if the complex path on iOS can be tamed, Chrome's remote inspector reveals that accessing a file:///android_asset resource from a http origin causes a security error, as shown below.

Web Application Snippet
<script src="file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js"></script>
<!-- produces the following security error
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js

Before moving on to the next attempt, it's worth noting that even the naive solution provides advantages over running the application from a Web browser. Cordova's WebView uses a security model that is better suited for applications, e.g. the play() method of HTML5 media elements can be called without user interaction.

Furtermore, the Crosswalk project offers a Cordova fork that uses a WebView built on Chromium, instead of the platform's native WebView. This approach removes a lot of variability coming from the wide range of WebView versions shipped by device firmware. I can't recommend it strongly enough! In fact, I wasted a few months trying to build pretty much the same thing, before this existed.

Last, both Cordova and Crosswalk support debug and release builds. The debug builds set up the WebViews so that they can be debugged remotely. On iOS, the Cordova WebView can be debugged by Safari's Remote Inspector. On Android, the Cordova WebView and the Crosswalk WebView can be debugged using Chrome's Remote Debugger.

In both remote debuggers, hitting the Refresh keyboard shortcut (Command+R on Mac OS X, Control+R on all other systems) reloads the WebView. This is an important piece of the edit-save-refresh cycle, as having to reach out for the phone and close/reopen the application would be much slower than hitting Refresh on my development machine.

Chapter 2: The Iframe

The <iframe> element has introduced many security issues in the Web platform, so it seems fitting that we'd try to use it to work around Cordova's restrictions.

A reasonable design would be to have the actual application running inside a host page's <iframe>. The <iframe> takes up the host page's entire display space. The host page is the default Cordova starting page, www/index.html, so it can load cordova.js and talk to the Cordova bridge.

<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<iframe id="iframe" src="blank.html" scrolling="no"></iframe>
html, body, iframe {
display: block;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
margin: 0; border: none; padding: 0;

The host page uses postMessage to communicate with the application running inside the <iframe>.

(function() {
var origin = '';
var appUrl = origin + '/';
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
window.iframe = iframe;
iframe.src = appUrl;
}, false);
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
if (event.origin !== origin)
if (, 25) === 'html5-app-container-eval|') {
var javaScript =;
var result = null;
try {
result = window.eval(javaScript);
} catch(e) {
result = e;
'html5-app-container-evaled|' + result, '*');
}, false);

To keep the initialization process simple, the host page first waits until the Cordova bridge is initialized, and then loads the Web application in the <iframe>.

The postMessage receiver only accepts messages whose origin matches the Web application. This prevents hostile content, such as embedded ads, from obtaining native capabilities.

The receiver shown above is simple by design. It essentially eval()s the received message and responds with a message that contains the evaluation result. Using eval means that I can iterate on all the interesting code by changing the Web application code.

The main drawback of this approach is that sending JavaScript strings to the host page is an unnatural technique for developing Web applications, and can get tedious as the code that interacts with native features becomes more complex. Rails (my Web framework of choice) does not have good support for putting together JavaScript strings, and this was a deal-breaker for me.

The second drawback is that debugging my application with Chrome or Safari's remote inspector is a bit more tedious. In order to see my page's elements, I have to peek into the host page's <iframe>. To play with the JavaScript objects, I have to access the <iframe>'s contentWindow. The deviceready handler code posted above assigins the <iframe> element to the iframe property on the host page's window, to make debugging slightly easier.

Last, I was worried that as I use data-intensive features, such as Cordova's File API, shuttling large strings around might become a performance bottleneck.

Fortunately, we can do better!

Chapter 3: The Iframe Grows Stronger

This section describes a trick that removes the need to postMessage strings to the host page in most cases, by giving the Web application inside the <iframe> direct access to Cordova's native objects. This makes the <iframe> approach more bearable.

In a nutshell, after the Web application loads inside the <iframe>, it posts a message to the host page, asking it to copy the references to Cordova's objects to the <iframe>'s window object. For generality, the host page creates an empty object, copies all the enumerable properties of its window into the newly created object, then assigs the object to a property on the <iframe>'s window.

(function() {
var origin = '';
var appUrl = origin + '/';
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
window.iframe = iframe;
iframe.src = appUrl;
}, false);
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
if ( === 'html5-app-container-wire-me') {
var platform = {};
iframe.contentWindow.cordovaPlatform = platform;
var properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window);
var _length = properties.length;
for(var index = 0; index < _length; ++index) {
var name = properties[index];
platform[name] = window[name];
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('html5-app-container-wired-you', '*');
}, false);

Note that the host page still waits for the Cordova bridge to be fully initialized before navigating the <iframe> to the Web application. This guarantees that the host page's window contains Cordova's native objects by the time the postMessage receiver is invoked.

The second major html5-app-container version implements the trick above, combined with the eval() receiver described in the previous section. The key files are app/index.html and app/js/index.js.

Unfortunately, this trick does not work in Crosswalk 10+, so I had to look for a better solution. However, it is worth knowing, as it still works in Cordova, and might come in handy when dealing with other HTML5 application wrappers.

Chapter 4: The Demise of the Iframe

A different approach to obtaining native capabilities is to attempt to initialize the Cordova bridge in the Web application.

In this case, we don't embed any code in the Cordova application. Instead, we add a config.xml whose <access> points to our Web application.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="us.costan.app_container" version="1.0.0"
Web Application Container
<author email="" href="">
Victor Costan
<content src="" />
<access origin="*" />

According to Cordova Bug 5988, the Cordova bridge can be used from a file:// origin, or from the top level page's origin. So, if we can obtain the platform-specific JavaScript in the Web application, we can execute it and gain access to Cordova's native features.

Fortunately, Cordova's JavaScript is well-structured, and collected in the platform-specific assets directory for each platform. For example, the Android JavaScript is all in platforms/android/assets/www and the iOS JavaScript is in platforms/ios/www.

The first file we need is cordova.js, the build product of the cordova-js project. As far as we're concerned, it implements Cordova's module system (cordova.define and cordova.require), and contains the platform-specific bootstrap code.

The second file we must extract is cordova_plugins.js, in the same directory. It defines the cordova/plugin_list module, which exports a list of all the plugins installed in the application.

The other files needed to set up the bridge are spread throughout the plugins/ directory. A reasonable method for obtaining them is recusively looking for .js files inside the plugins/ directory. In order to avoid including any test code, we can filter out the files that don't start with cordova.define.

We can collect and concatenate all the files for each platform into one big bundle file, e.g. android.js for Android, and ios.js for iOS. In the Web application, we need to detect whether we're running under Cordova and, if so, load the appropriate bundle.

I use the Rails asset pipeline to serve the JavaScript files, as it does all the tricks needed to serve them with long-lived cache expiration dates. In order for this to work, I need to use asset pipeline-generated URLs to load the scripts.

window.PlatformScripts = {
android: <%= javascript_path('cordova/android.js').to_json %>,
ios: <%= javascript_path('cordova/ios.js').to_json %>

The JavaScript bundles must not be executed when the Web application does not run under Cordova. For example, the Android bundle currently uses window.prompt() to talk to the native Cordova code. If this code runs outside Cordova, the user will be presented with cryptic dialog boxes. In order to avoid that, we must make sure that we run under Cordova before executing any Cordova JavaScript.

window.Platform = {};
// Returns "android", "ios", or null if not running under Cordova.
Platform.cordovaPlatform = function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (/android/i.test(ua)) {
return 'android';
return null;
if (/iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(ua)) {
if (\(\d+\)$/.test(ua))
return 'ios';
return null;
return null;

The code above takes advantage of Cordova implementation details, and was derived from Cordova 3.6. On Android, Cordova defines a _cordovaNative object. On iOS, Cordova appends a numeric nonce wrapped in parantheses to the WebView's User-Agent property.

If the Web application detects that it runs under Cordova, a <script> tag pointing to the appropriate script is dynamically generated and added to the page.

// Calls the callback with true (success) or false (failure).
Platform.bootCordova = function(callback) {
var platform = Platform.cordovaPlatform();
if (platform === null) {
var element = document.createElement('script');
element.src = PlatformScripts[platform];
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {

While implementing this approach, I ran over a Crosswalk crashing bug that brings down the entire Android application when a non-file:// page attempts to initialize the Cordova bridge. Fortunately, I was able to find and submit a fix.

The third major html5-app-container version uses the approach outlined in this section. The only application file is app/config.xml. The Cordova JavaScript specific to Android and iOS is collected by two bash scripts, script/ and script/

This method addresses the main issues raised by the <iframe> approach. The Web application does not need to postMessage JavaScript strings to a host page, and the Chrome and Safari remote inspectors display the Web application's elements and interact directly with the application's JavaScript world.

Unfortunately, this method's requirement of hosting Cordova's platform-specific JavaScript bndles on the server introduces significant complexity in long-lived production applications. For example, if a security issue is reported in the Cordova version used by the application wrappper, a new version of the wrapper must be released. New bundles must be produced and deployed on the production server before the new wrapper can be released. Furthermore, the Web application must retain the bundles for all the wrapper versions that were ever released.

From a performance standpoint, this approach has the downside of having to load the platform-specific JavaScript over the network. The Android-specific JavaScript file has almost 300kb, and the iOS-specific JavaScript is slightly biggger. Furthermore, the file is loaded via a dynamically-added <script> tag, which eludes the pre-loader.

The Rails asset pipeline sweetens the performance blow quite a bit, as the file is 26kb after minifying and gzipping, and is served with a long-lived cache expiration date. Still, it's nice to know that the following refinement removes the performance issue completely, while being easier to maintain at the same time.

Chapter 5: The Return of the Iframe

In this section, we modify the approach presented above to remove the need for server-hosted JavaScript bundles. The high-level idea is rather straightforward, namely we must restructure our code so that the Web application receives the JavaScript bundle from the Cordova wrapper. However, we need a couple of tricks to bypass the security measures in Cordova's WebView.

First, the build scripts for the Cordova-based wrapper must be augmented to extract the JavaScript bundle, as described in the previous section.

This is mildly tricky, because the Cordova build scripts wipe the www directory inside the platform-specific platforms/ subdirectory at the beginning of a build. Fortunately, the script copies the platform-specific cordova.js from the platform_www directory inside the platform's platforms/ subdirectory, so we can stash our JavaScript bundle there.

Also, we minify the JavaScript bundle using UglifyJS 2. On the Andoid and iOS bundles, minification cut down about 300k of JavaScript to less than 100k. This matters because we'll store the bundle in sessionStorage, which is read synchronously from JavaScript.

Second, we must send the JavaScript bundle to the Web application, despite the fact that it cannot read file:// resources. We bypass this limitation by resurrecting the <iframe> technique discussed earlier.

The application wrapper includes a host page that loads a bootstrap page from our Web application in a hidden <iframe>.

<iframe id="iframe" src="blank.html" style="display: none;"></iframe>
<script src="js/index.js"></script>

The bootstrap page receives the JS bundle from the host page via postMessage and stores it in its sessionStorage. Note that the bootstrap page must be hosted by the Web application, because the sessionStorage store is per-origin. After the bundle is stored, the bootstrap page sends a message to the host message telling it to navigate to the Web application's main page. The main page URL is contained in the message so that the application wrapper only needs to hard-code one URL, namely the bootstrap page's URL.

Sample Bootstrap Page
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if (event.origin.substring(0, 7) !== 'file://')
var data =;
if (data.substring(0, 10) !== 'cordovaJs|')
sessionStorage.setItem('cordova-js', data.substring(10));
window.parent.postMessage('jump|', '*');
if (window.parent !== window) {
window.parent.postMessage('getjs', '*');

The host page JavaScript below looks large, but it can be de-constructed into small straightforward parts. The getBundle function uses XMLHttpRequest to read the JavaScript bundle. The onMessage function implements the postMessage-based protocol used to communicate with the Web application's bootstrap page, and is similar to the code for the <iframe>-based approach presented above.

(function() {
var bootstrapUrl = '';
var bootstrapOrigin = '';
// Issues an XHR get and passes the response String to the callback function.
var getUrl = function(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', absoluteUrl, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState !== 4)
var data = xhr.responseText || xhr.response;
// Loads the JS bundle via XHR and passes it to the callback function.
var getBundle = function(callback) {
var pageUrl = window.location.href;
var slash = pageUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
var absoluteUrl = pageUrl.substring(0, slash + 1) + 'cordova_all.min.js';
getUrl(absoluteUrl, callback);
// Load the bootstrap URL in the iframe.
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
iframe.src = bootstrapUrl;
// The postMessage protocol used to talk to the bootstrap page.
var onMessage = function(event) {
if (event.origin !== bootstrapOrigin)
var data =;
if (data === 'getjs') {
getBundle(function(cordovaJs) {
'cordovaJs|' + cordovaJs, bootstrapOrigin);
if (data.substring(0, 5) === 'jump|') {
window.removeEventListener('message', onMessage);
window.location = data.substring(5);
window.addEventListener('message', onMessage, false);

Note that after the JavaScript bundle transfer is complete, the host page's code navigates the top-level window to the Web application's main URL. So, after the bundle transfer, the Web application takes over the entire Cordova WebView, as opposed to being contained inside an <iframe>, so the drawbacks of the <iframe>-based solution do not apply.

This method also does not require the Web application to rely on Cordova implementation details to detect whether it runs inside a Cordova container or not. Instead, application code can simply probe sessionStorage for the Cordova JavaScript bundle.

// Calls the callback with true (success) or false (failure).
Platform.bootCordova = function(callback) {
var cordovaJs = sessionStorage.getItem('cordova-js');
if (!cordovaJs) {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {

This was implemented in the 4th major html5-app-container version uses the approach outlined in this section. The host page HTML is app/index.html and the loader code is in app/js/loader.js. The Cordova JavaScript bundles are collected by script/, which (confusingly) builds the Cordova-based wrapper for both iOS and Android. script/ builds an Android wrapper using the Crosswalk fork of Cordova.

Unfortunately, the code here has an XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability. If an attacker convinces a user to download a malicious HTML page and open the downloaded version, such that it gets the file:// origin, the malicious page can open our Web application's bootstrap page in an <iframe> and use the postMessage protocol to convince the bootstrap page to store some evil JavaScript in sessionStorage. If the user then visits our Web application from the same computer, the application will run the attacker's evil JavaScript.

Chapter 6: The Revenge of the Iframe

In order to fix the XSS vulnerability, we apply a well-known method for preventing against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) vulnerabilities.

The Web application's bootstrap page generates a random token and places it inside a <div> attribute in its DOM tree. The application wrapper uses its privileges to extract the token from the <div> element, and sends the token together with the Cordova JavaScript. The bootstrap does not write to sessionStore if the token in the message doesn't match the value that it generated.

The main source of complexity in the updated bootstrap page code (shown below) is the token generation code. We first attempt to generate a cryptographically secure token, using the WebCrypto API. If that is not supported, we fall back to using Math.random().

Sample Bootstrap Page
<div id="cordova-js-token" data-token=""></div>
(function() {
var generateToken = function() {
var numbers = null;
// If possible, get cryptographically secure random values.
try {
if (window.crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && window.Uint32Array) {
numbers = new Uint32Array(4);
} catch(cryptoError) {
numbers = null;
// Fallback to weak random values.
if (numbers === null) {
numbers = new Array(4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
numbers[i] = Math.random();
var strings = new Array(4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
strings[i] = numbers[i].toString(36);
return strings.join('_');
var jsToken = generateToken();
var checkToken = function(submitted, baseline) {
return submitted === baseline;
var onMessage = function(event) {
if (event.origin.substring(0, 7) !== 'file://')
var data =;
if (data.substring(0, 10) !== 'cordovaJs|')
var tokenEnd = data.indexOf('|', 10);
if (tokenEnd === -1)
if (checkToken(data.substring(10, tokenEnd), jsToken))
sessionStorage.setItem('cordova-js', data.substring(tokenEnd + 1));
window.parent.postMessage('jump|', '*');
window.addEventListener('message', onMessage);
var tokenDiv = document.getElementById('cordova-js-token');
tokenDiv.setAttribute('data-token', jsToken);
window.parent.postMessage('getjs', '*');

Note that when the code above receives an incorrect token, it follows through the postMessage protocol, but doesn't update sessionStorage. This reduces the amount of information that a potential attacker might obtain, at the cost of making it harder to debug the JavaScript bundle transmission process.

The host page's code, embedded in the application wrapper, is identical to the previous version, up to the getIframeToken function. The main source of complexity here is working around browser support for the contentDocument property. The onMessage function was modified to call out to getIframeToken and embed the return value in the message that it posts to the bootstrap page.

(function() {
var bootstrapUrl = '';
var bootstrapOrigin = '';
// Issues an XHR get and passes the response String to the callback function.
var getUrl = function(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', absoluteUrl, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState !== 4)
var data = xhr.responseText || xhr.response;
// Loads the JS bundle via XHR and passes it to the callback function.
var getBundle = function(callback) {
var pageUrl = window.location.href;
var slash = pageUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
var absoluteUrl = pageUrl.substring(0, slash + 1) + 'cordova_all.min.js';
getUrl(absoluteUrl, callback);
// Load the bootstrap URL in the iframe.
var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
iframe.src = bootstrapUrl;
// Returns the HTMLDocument inside an <iframe>, or null.
var getIframeDocument = function(iframe) {
return iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
// Gets the XSS protection token in the <iframe>.
var getIframeToken = function(iframe) {
var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument(iframe);
var tokenDiv = iframeDoc.getElementById('cordova-js-token');
return tokenDiv.getAttribute('data-token');
// The postMessage protocol used to talk to the bootstrap page.
var onMessage = function(event) {
if (event.origin !== bootstrapOrigin)
var data =;
if (data === 'getjs') {
getBundle(function(cordovaJs) {
'cordovaJs|' + cordovaJs, bootstrapOrigin);
if (data.substring(0, 5) === 'jump|') {
window.removeEventListener('message', onMessage);
window.location = data.substring(5);
window.addEventListener('message', onMessage, false);

The security in this method can be proven by reasoning that an attacker who can extract the token from the bootstrap page can also extract a CSRF token embedded in a <form>, <input> or <meta> tag. Such an attacker can already execute requests on behalf of its victim.

Unfortunately, just like the contentWindow trick described in a previous section, the code above does not work in Crosswalk 10, because of this bug.

If you want to use Crosswalk versions impacted by the bug, the host page JavaScript must be modified to catch security exceptions and return a special CSRF token, such as 0000. The bootstrap page can accept the special token if it can verify that the JavaScript execution environment belongs to an impacted Crosswalk version.

Host Page Changes
var getIframeDocument = function(iframe) {
try {
if (iframe.contentDocument)
return iframe.contentDocument;
} catch(securityError) {
try {
if (iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document)
return iframe.contentWindow.document;
} catch(securityError) {
return null;
var getIframeToken = function(iframe) {
var iframeDoc = getIframeDocument(iframe);
if (iframeDoc === null)
return '0000';
var tokenDiv = iframeDoc.getElementById('cordova-js-token');
return tokenDiv.getAttribute('data-token');

The host page changes above make the token extraction code more robust, and have no negative impact, from a security perspective. Therefore, they are included in the html5-app-container code.

The Web application page gets to decide whether it accepts the special CSRF token. Therefore the modification below can simply be skipped by an application that never releases a wrapper based on a Crossswalk version impacted by the bug above. Although the changes

Crosswalk Bootstrap Page Changes
var checkToken = function(baseline, submitted) {
if (submitted === baseline)
return true;
// Work around XWALK-2905.
if (submitted !== '0000')
return false;
if (!window._cordovaNative)
return false;
if (_cordovaNative.exec.toString() !== 'function () { [native code] }')
return false
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Crosswalk/10.') === -1)
return false;
return true;

This was implemented in the 5th major html5-app-container version uses the approach outlined in this section. The new loader code is in app/js/loader.js.

The code presented above has a couple of performance issues, compared to a wrapper that loads the Web application directly into a WebView. Time-permitting, they may be the subject of future work.

First, loading the bootstrap page adds an HTTP round-trip to the application's startup time. This can be significant for applications that are meant to be used on the go. The round-trip can be eliminated from most starts by serving the bootstrap page with a far-in-the-future cache expiration time.

A high-performance solution would remove the bootstrap page completely. Instead, a Cordova plugin would serve the JavaScript bundle from a custom URL scheme. The Web application could attempt to load the bundle via an XMLHttpRequest, and would report a Cordova boot failure if the request fails. This approach would be expensive in terms of engineering time, as a Cordova plugin requires different native code for each supported platform, and must be maintained to track updates to the Cordova API.

Second, storing the (rather large) JavaScript bundle in sessionStorage is a source of performance issues. The sessionStorage API consists of blocking calls, so the WebView's JS thread is unresponsive while the mobile device reads or writes the JavaScript bundle into the sessionStorage backing store. Also, some WebView implementations store the sessionStorage contents in RAM, so the JavaScript bundle might use 200kb of RAM (the bundle is 100kb after minification, but is likely stored as a UTF-16 or UCS-2 string. So, we're possibly taking up 200kb of RAM with a string that's only used once during page load.

The storageSession is used in these samples because of its simplicity and wide support. A performance-conscious Web application could use IndexedDB and fall back to the deprecated Filesystem API and WebSQL database API. Unfortunately, all fallbacks are necessary to achieve reasonable platform coverage. On a brighter note, the choice of bundle backing store is completely decoupled from the code inside the Cordova wrapper, so a Web application can deploy this performance improvement without having to change the code in html5-app-container.

Of course, the problem of storing the JavaScript bundle goes away if the bootstrap page is eliminated by implementing a Cordova plugin.

JavaScript Bundle Signatures?

A noteworthy alternative to the CSRF token extraction method described here is signing the JavaScript bundles. The signatures would be produced during the application wrapper build process, and verified by the code in the bootstrap page.

Unfortunately, this leaves secret key signing methods, like HMAC, out of the question, because the signature would be embedded on the bootstrap page. Verifying asymmetric (e.g., RSA) signatures is slow when done in JavaScript. Furthermore, signing would burden the build process with the extra complexity of handling a secret key.

Last but not least, relying on signatures would mean that the bootstrap page would accept any previously signed JavaScript bundle. A troll could use this to load a Cordova bundle into the site when used from a normal browser, which would cause JavaScript prompts to pop up when the user browses to our Web application.

A more serious attacker could load an old (but still signed) version of a bundle with known security vulnerabilities, and exploit the vulnerabilities against the site.

General Security Considerations

Unfortunately, all the designs above have the drawback that any XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability can be used to obtain access to native features.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that native applications also suffer from security vulnerabilities, such as push notifications spam and hijacking and Android intent hijacking. Furthermore, a security patch in a Web application requires a server push to be deployed, which can be done in minutes or at most hours. A mobile application patch requires an app store / market submission, which often includes a human review, and can take between hours and days.


This article described the tricks I used in the html5-app-container project, which allows me to build Web applications with the native capabilities afforded by Cordova, and iterate on my code using the edit-save-reload cycle that is typical of Web applications.